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Ask Me About Polyamory


5 per unit - Virtual OK - Posted Nov 28, 2017

Ask me any questions you have about polyamory - whether it's similar to swinging (something a coworker has) to how to schedule to what's involved in not cheating to how I keep up my energy. I'm also here to contest the usual stereotypes, such as this:
" Monogamy is the difficult-but-ethical choice, and that we're only doing poly because mono was too hard for us."
Actually, polyamory is a way of life that is not for everyone because of how much constant communication and love it involves. Not everyone can keep up multiple relationships and give enough love (attention, constant encouragement. constant feedback, making time for this person). It's also much healthier than monogamous relationships for some people due to the amount of attention they receive from multiple partners instead of just one - you don't have to put all your needs onto one person and overwhelm them. For example, I have many mental problems and breakdowns, and I know for a fact that if I had only one partner, they would probably have broken up with me for THEIR mental health. But since I have multiple people that I know love me romantically and would not mind me messily crying to them, I have people with different lives and schedules that I can ask for help. This might sound like I make friends into romantic relationships, but I do understand the difference between friends and partners, and that is a slight but important distinction.

I should probably make an FAQ at some point from how often my coworkers ask me about my love life, and figured since I tend to get asked the same questions constantly, I might as well put myself out there since I'm used to answering questions.
Note that I'm asking you to ask me. This doesn't mean that every polyamorous person wants to be your "Ok, Google". I'm an activist and hate misinformation, but I also have the energy to field the constant questions. Additionally, this is online - I probably would not be so receptive to questions if we were face to face, solely because I probably would not be in a headspace to be able to give you every single detail.
Poly people are just living their life. That doesn't mean every single relationship is healthy, that doesn't mean we're perfect, and that certainly doesn't mean we fall away from stereotypes every single time (they exist for a reason.) But that does mean we're more than this label, and we're more than the stereotypes.

So hi. How are ya, what do you wanna know?

Training & Qualifications

Been in an open relationship since I was 16 and want to marry the person I'm in an open relationship with. We're still waiting because their parents are coming around to the idea. Meanwhile, I've been in healthy breakups and healthy relationships and learned many things about the community of polyamory.
Hate to sound like a hippie, but it's all about the love. God that sounds cheesy.
Also I'm Muslim so I have religious background! (I joke, I joke. For one, that's another stereotype. Second off, I've only been Muslim for a year, so no I don't have religious background.)

Availability & Preferences

Message me anytime, if you want to have an ongoing questionnaire we can exchange emails.

Trading Preference: I prefer exchanging services

Reviews of Raphael

Jun 07, 2019
Raphael gave me some great suggestions for new books to read!
Brooke sold stitch eating ice cream sticker to Raphael
Aug 03, 2018
awesome!!! Glad you like them.
Aug 03, 2018
Glad you like it! :)
Inactive User
Inactive User received Help with Artwork Needed from Raphael
Jun 06, 2018
Thank you :)
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of A Song For Situations from Raphael
May 27, 2018
Raphael was very quick! Would definitely work with again! Thank you!
Inactive User
Inactive User provided session of French Convo. for English Natives for Raphael
May 12, 2018
This was a fun exchange, I learned a lot about the Marvel world. Raphael is a persistent learner, was willing to listen/try and look up words and also... showed flexibility in more
May 09, 2018
Raphael gave me some great recommendations! Very excited to read the suggestions . Cool dude!
Mauri received Help with Feedback on my music from Raphael
May 07, 2018
Raphael gave honest critique in a straight forward, no nonsense matter. I appreciate his feedback and suggestions. He was great at communicating, both... in regards to completing the project, and his more
Cheryle provided unit of Simple Pea and Carrot Soup~Delish for Raphael
May 06, 2018
Enjoy! Super Simple! Really good! Raphael is friendly and easy to exchange with. Fast and fun!
Mike received Help with Suggestions for my Youtube Channel from Raphael
Apr 17, 2018
Raphael is a cool dude. thanks!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Raphael's other services

A Song For Situations
I have many different skills I've picked up over the years, but not many ways to use them outside of my personal needs. Glad to have found this site, where I can exchange those skills for services ...

A Song For Situations

Teach You Violin Basics
I have many different skills I've picked up over the years, but not many ways to use them outside of my personal needs. Glad to have found this site, where I can exchange those skills for services ...

Teach You Violin Basics

Fantasy YA Book Recommendations
I have many different skills I've picked up over the years, but not many ways to use them outside of my personal needs. Glad to have found this site, where I can exchange those skills for services ...

Fantasy YA Book Recommendations

Raphael's requests

Raphael is requesting
Help with a resources tumblr
I've had a website I've worked on since high school called Rhydprob, which is meant to be a compilation of resources from tumblr. The audience is 12-18 year olds, and is meant to help them be expos...

I have many different skills I've picked up over the years, but not many ways to use them outside of my personal needs. Glad to have found this site, where I can exchange those skills for services ...

About Raphael Law

Jack of many trades that enjoys working with my hands. I've gotten interested in many things, and so I've gained the skill of sewing and calligraphy. I also play violin and piano, and have done covers... of my favorite video games. I'm also a reader, so I can give YA recommendations based off people's interests. Is a trans man and an ace poly mess. Living in the South as a Muslim, it's all good more

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